Natural gum is made by all natural raw materials as natural gum base (chicle), natural sweeteners, natural flavors, glycerol and natural coating agents (gum arabica and carnauba wax).

Gum base is the main carrier of chewing gum ingredients, mainly flavor and sweetners. Chicle is one of the few products in the world, which is really 100% natural products. It is the elastic and chewible part of the gum to have fun with taste.

Chewing experience is very close to each other. However, since chicle is all natural and natural chicle tree sap collected from nature, it can have small variances in chewing as a little softer texture and a little stickness. This is the nature of chicle and with the many years of experience, science and knowladge, we developed one of the best natural gum in the market.

It would be better if you chew 2 pieces in one time

There are 16-17 pieces in one box and each display contains 6 boxes.

Yes, our products are sugar free, and we are using natural sweeteners and natural flavors to sweeten and make them tasty. During mixing of our raw materials, we gently add flavors in our formulas.  

Yes, all flavors that we are using in our natural gums are natural.

No, there is no any artificial raw materials in our products.

No, there is no any petrochemical or plastic base raw materials in our products.

No, our packages includes only recyclable paper materials.

100% Natural flavors are made by all natural molecoles from natural ingredients. For example, natural mint flavor is extracted from pipperita arvensis plant and there is no any other flavor ingerient to support the taste. It is one of the reason that some of our products are really taste as planty, grassy or floral notes, like you are eating or chewing really something from nature.

Yes, since all raw materials are all natural, our products are capable of being decomposed or other living organisms in the nature over years.


Continental Confectionery Company (CCC) was founded in 2009 and integrates the latest innovations in the industry into its product range